Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Final Blog....Tech Integration

Looking back at this past term, I have come to realize that technology can be used in a variety of ways in and out of the classroom, whether it be for students and their educational development, or for my own education and professional learning networks.
Moving forward, I plan on incorporating WebQuests as a major part of my students’ curriculum. I find that with technological changes and advancements, that is would be a disservice to the future generation, not to embrace technology in the classroom. Initially I was of the opinion that WebQuests were geared for homework assignments and research projects, but have to understand that I can incorporate the computer and the Internet through each lesson plan as I choose. WebQuests can also give students more productive interaction with their peers and help create strong communication skills in and out of the classroom.
Other tools that will be helpful in my career as an educator will be to use study guides like Study Island or Wolfram Alpha. Not only is important for students to learn and comprehend work while in the classroom, but it’s equally important for students to continue practicing their lessons without the help of teachers in order to test their abilities. It’s my hope that my students will not only look to me as their educator, but use me as a guide in and out of the classroom with the use of the computer and Internet.
It’s also my hope that I can continue to maintain and develop strong healthy PLNs so I may become as advanced in my career as a doctor might be towards medicine, or a computer engineer towards software. It’s my desire to always be an educator and always be a student. I will make every opportunity to develop strong PLNs through programs such as Twitter, eBlog, Facebook, and EdTechTalk, etc.
Lastly, I’m pleased that we were offered the opportunity to take a course like EDU 533, offering us insights as to how we can use technology within the classroom. Looking back, I feel more confident not only in using technology in the classroom, but helping my students prepare for the technological world in which we current encounter, as well as the technological future ahead of us.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It appears as though PLNs can be great tools to help teachers get started with networking in order to become familiar with certain aspectis of teaching such as lesson plans, classroom management, students at risk, etc... These tools might include Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This can be an opportunity for teachers to learn from other educators and their experiences. Not only can educators collaborate via PLNs, but this is also an opportunity for teachers to give back to others as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Equal Access to the Digital World

I believe equal access in the classroom means not only understanding up to date technological information, but using that knowledge to enrich students in their current and future academic careers. As educators we must strive to reach greater levels of success and continue to improve our knowledge of the technological world, whereby we may convey that information to our students. Although not all students are privileged to have internet access, or computers, teachers must offer students the opportunity to not only review technological information in the classroom, but allow students opportunities outside as well.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is Technology Integration?

So what does it mean to integrate technology into the classroom? To me integrating technology into the classroom isn't just about having student log on to a computer in class and participate on an online worksheet they could simply do at their desk. It's more about communicating with their parents, having access to multiple resource websites, viewing lessons online in more than one format, and lastly, having a different source of education within the classroom.

Blog #1

A little about me....
My name is Jamie Dina and I'm very excited about becoming an elementry teacher! I've always wanted to be a teacher, but chose to ignore what it was that I truly wanted. The truth is, I've decided to go after what's most important in life, "happiness." I've decided to become an elmentry teacher, but have pondered over what type of teacher I'd like to be and how I can help others succeed. It's important for me to be the person who gives back to children and stand out as an educator. I want to be the one inspiring children to desire to learn. I want to be the teacher who turns their minds around and puts a different perspective on what it means to learn and how they can be a better student. Most importantly, I desire to be the teacher at the end of the school year where students respect and look up to me as their teacher, and am looked at as the educator who inspires them. I want students to look at me as someone they can trust, feel comfortable around, and feel challenged every day.
With that being said, I want to accomplish two major goals that include enthusiasm and passion. Looking back at my youth as a student in the classroom I’ve come to realize how important it was for me to have a teacher who expressed a great deal of enthusiasm. Among all of the professors and teacher’s I’ve learned from, those who stood out most and inspired me to desire to learn, were the educators who simply walked into the classroom and expressed excitement about the subject matter and their role as a teacher. I want to be this person.